Glen Oaks FAQs
School Information
What are the school hours?
School begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:10pm. Please refer to the school calendar for specific times and any potential changes.
What is the school's address and contact information?
Our school is located at 6100 Glen Oaks Drive, McKinney, Texas 75072. You can reach us by phone at 469-302-6400.
How can I enroll my child?
To enroll a new student or update information for a returning student, use McKinney ISD’s online registration system or visit the school based on your child’s home address. To determine your zoned campus, use the School Locator here. For more details, visit the district’s Enrollment page here.
Absences and Tardiness
What should I do if my child will be absent?
If your child will be absent, notify the school by visiting the campus website and clicking “Report an Absence.” If you cannot access a computer, send a written note with the date(s) and reason for the absence within three school days of your child’s return. Absences not reported within this timeframe will be considered unexcused. Phone calls alone do not excuse absences. For more information about McKinney ISD's School Attendance policy, please visit the School Attendance page here.
What is the policy on tardiness?
Students arriving late will be marked tardy unless they provide a medical note for a healthcare appointment. Excessive tardiness may result in an attendance contract or disciplinary action.
Home Access Center (HAC)
What is HAC?
The Home Access Center (HAC) allows parents and students to view course information, grades, report cards, and attendance records. To access HAC, you need to set up a Guardian Single Sign-On (SSO) account. Each parent has a unique SSO account linked to their email address.
How do I set up a Guardian SSO account for HAC?
To create your Guardian SSO account, visit the Single Sign-On (SSO) page and click "Claim Guardian Account." Enter your name, email, and your student’s ID number. Please make sure that your name and email match the information provided during registration. After setting your password and selecting recovery questions, you’ll receive a username and can log in.
Medical Conditions and Allergies
What should I do if my child has a medical condition or allergy?
Inform both the school nurse and your child’s teacher about any medical conditions or allergies. All medications must be managed through the school nurse. Contact the nurse to obtain the necessary forms for any required medications, including inhalers and epi-pens.
Volunteering and Communications
How can I get involved in the school?
We encourage parent volunteers for various activities and events. You can join the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or contact the school office for other volunteer opportunities. For more information, visit the district’s Volunteers page here.
How will the school communicate with parents?
We use newsletters, emails, and our school website to keep parents informed.
What are the rules and regulations for visitors?
Visitors are required to wear a visitor’s badge and are expected to always model appropriate behavior for a school setting, whether students are present or not.
A visitor may be asked to leave, may be ejected, and may be denied future entry to the building for up to 2 years for either of the following behaviors:
Behavior that is unacceptable and the visitor refuses to follow warnings.
Behavior that poses a substantial risk of harm to any person.
A visitor may be barred from driving or parking any vehicle on school property when rules and regulations regarding vehicle use are broken.
Possession of a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon in a school zone is a third-degree felony. (See 18 U.S.C 921(a)(25.922)(q) and Board Policy GKA for questions regarding firearm applications.)