Please go to our website to see our upcoming games and events:

Parent Newsletter

October 28, 2024

We have a lot of great things happening this week!  Several AP Scholars are being recognized at the Board Meeting tonight, Monday 10/28, we have a Cross Country Runner who made it to State on Friday(Congratulations, Joaquin!), and Band is performing at their Area competition this coming weekend.  I’m sure I missed a ton more…check our calendar!

Advanced Placement (AP) Course Exam Fees
AP exam fees have now been uploaded into the MySchoolBucks payment system. The cost is $49.50/exam which is a 50% discount for MISD students. MISD covers the entire cost for students participating in the Free/Reduced lunch program. AP exam fees are due by the end of the first semester which is Friday, December 20.

Checking Out Students Early
Please visit our website here if you intend on checking out your student early.  We keep this page regularly updated.

School Lunch Reminders
Parents are allowed to drop off lunch for their student ONLY.  We do not accept orders from lunch delivery services such as restaurant deliveries, Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application Deadline - EXTENDED - Ends January 16
Student Free/Reduced lunch deadline has been extended to January 16th. 

Trunk or Treat! by Student Council (StuCo) - Monday 10/28
5-7 PM
Please join us for a fun, safe, and FREE Trick-or-Treat Event.  I was mistaken on the exact location…it will be in the baseball field fenced-in area of our school (enter and park in the north parking lot)!
At Trunk or Treat, you'll find:
- Decorated trunks passing out candy, provided by various groups from MHS, MNHS, and MBHS.
- A costume scrimmage played by our baseball team!
- Delicious treats from Favor Flavor and Oopsie Scoopsie food trucks!

 This is a safe and fun way for younger students to enjoy Halloween festivities, and we’d love to see families from all of our elementary and middle schools join us for an evening of excitement.

Personal Financial Literacy - Tuesday 10/29
6-7PM at the CEC/MISD Stadium
Our next Personal Financial Literacy workshop will be Tuesday, October 29th. You can find more information here: MISD PLF Workshop Q2

Halloween - Thursday 10/31
Costumes are allowed as long as they…

  • Follow dress code

  • Don’t cover the student’s face

  • No guns or weapons, no gruesome/gore costumes, and nothing sexually suggestive/graphic/inappropriate.

Thanks for participating in the fun!  The front office staff will be Harry Potter-themed if any student would like to join us!

Musical Theatre Production - The Little Mermaid - November 14, 15, and 16
The Broadway Broncos will be performing their Musical Theatre production of The Little Mermaid on November 14, 15, and 16th at 7:00 PM in the Boyd Auditorium. There will also be an additional Sensory Friendly performance on November 16th at 2:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased at:

Tickets are $10-$15, depending on location.

Parent Newsletter

October 20, 2024

Parent Newsletter - 10/20/2024

Please go to our website to see our upcoming games and events:

 Best of luck to our Cross Country Regional Qualifiers running this week in Lubbock!

 Theme Days this Week (from StuCo):

  • Monday - Jersey Day - We Are One Team

  • Tuesday - Generation Day - History Repeats Itself

    • Freshmen - Babies

    • Sophomores - Elementary Kids

    • Juniors - Adults

    • Seniors - Grandparents

    • Teachers - Teens

  • Wednesday - Holiday Day - Broncos Win Year Round

  • Thursday - Super Hero Day - Broncos Will Save the Day

  • Friday - RED OUT - McKinney Bleeds Red

Tuesday 10/22 Volleyball Crosstown Showdown Football vs MHS) - Tuesday 10/22
9A/9B is playing in MBHS Gym 2 at 5/6PM, while JV and Varsity are playing in our Main Gym at 5PM & 6PM.

Friday 10/25 Pep Rally (Football Crosstown Showdown vs MHS) - Friday 10/25
We have one final Fall Pep Rally!  For our Crosstown Showdown versus McKinney High School (we’re the AWAY team/VISITOR side at the Stadium on 10/25), please join us for our pep rally and tailgate.

Join us Friday, October 25th, in the MISD Stadium parking lot (visitor side) for the Crosstown Showdown Tailgate!  The tailgate starts at 5:00 pm; we’ll have burgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks.  

Our next Pep Rally will be in February (exact date TBD).

Bedrooms, Backpacks, and Beyond! - Saturday 10/26
On Saturday, October 26th, please join us at MHS from 9AM - 12PM for a district-sponsored event for PARENTS ONLY related to substance use awareness. This will be a powerful event that will help equip our families raising children in a society where drugs are more available and more dangerous than ever. Presentations will be given by the McKinney PD, LifePath, Drug Free McKinney, and more. There will also be a parent panel. For additional information related to student drug use, please check out our parent course provided by our counseling department: Prevention Resources for Parents

 Trunk or Treat! by Student Council (StuCo) - Monday 10/28
Please join us for a fun, safe, and FREE Trick-or-Treat Event in our MBHS North Parking lot (Gym Side) on Monday, October 28, from 5-7PM.   

Parent Newsletter

October 15, 2024

Please go to our website to see our upcoming games and events

Hello!  Tomorrow, Wednesday 10/16, is the first day of Q2!  For the freshmen families out there, hopefully we set some good habits in Q1 and/or learned important lessons to start fresh in Q2.  Please remember that for your fall semester GPA, it is broken in 3 components:  Q1 grade, Q2 grade, and semester exam.

The exact formula is Q1 is (3/7), Q2 is (3/7), and the semester exam is (1/7).  

I do not mention this so that your student and family endlessly worry about their GPA. The only reason I mention it is so that you can set a goal for your student for Q2 and plan accordingly.  

Your Words and Actions Matter - Help Keep Our Schools Safe
McKinney ISD strives to provide a safe and secure environment for our students, staff, and community. All threats and all reports of suspicious activity are thoroughly investigated by our Safety & Security Department, in conjunction with the McKinney Police Department. Unfortunately, false reports of violence to schools are trending, and in an effort to impede this kind of illegal behavior, we want everyone to understand the consequences of saying or making fake threats.

If you have not viewed this video, please watch (it is only 2 minutes long):

Fall Community Resource Night - Thursday 10/17
MISD Stadium and Community Event Center, this Thursday 10/17 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM

The purpose of the Fall Community Resource Night is to connect community resources with families in need to help improve and sustain the quality of life for students and families of McKinney ISD. 

Agencies will provide: 

  • Free Food & Door Prizes

  •  Food Box Giveaways

  • Free Hygiene Products

  • Rent and Utility Assistance

  • Teen Parent Support

  • Early Childhood Resources

  • Domestic Violence Support

  • Grief and Counseling Support

  • After-School Youth Services

  • Mental and Behavioral Health Support

  • English Language Learner Support

  • Affordable Health Insurance Resources

  • Employment Opportunities 

MBHS Cheerleaders Cheer Clinic - Saturday 10/19
10/19 9:00AM - 12:00PM @ MBHS Gym
Parent Show-off 11:30AM - 12:00PM
Performance: 11/6 @ JV Football Game
$50 Per Athlete

Cross Country - Monday 10/21

Congratulations to our Cross Country Broncos!  From Coach Pierce:  "It was a great day to be a Bronco on Friday as the Bronco XC team competed well in the District 6-6A Championships. The varsity girls finished as District Runner-Up and the varsity boys finished as back-to-back District Champions! Both varsity teams have qualified to compete in the UIL Region 1 Championships in Lubbock on October 21!"

Coach Pierce also celebrated our JV runners, noting the JV girls were 5th while the JV boys were 3rd.

Final Fall Pep Rally (Crosstown Showdown Football vs MHS) - Friday 10/25
We have one final Fall Pep Rally!  For our Crosstown Showdown versus McKinney High School (we’re the AWAY team/VISITOR side at the Stadium on 10/25), please join us for our pep rally and tailgate!

Parent Pep Rally Sign-Up Form:

Join us Friday, October 25th, in the MISD Stadium parking lot for the Crosstown Showdown Tailgate!  The tailgate starts at 5:00 pm; we’ll have burgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks.  

Our next Pep Rally will be in February (exact date TBD).

Bedrooms, Backpacks, and Beyond! - Saturday 10/26
On Saturday, October 26th please join us at MHS from 9 am to 12 pm for a district sponsored event for PARENTS ONLY related to substance use awareness. This will be a powerful event that will help equip our families raising children in a society where drugs are more available and more dangerous than ever. Presentations will be given by the McKinney PD, LifePath, Drug Free McKinney, and more. There will also be a parent panel. For additional information related to student drug use, please check out our parent course provided by our counseling department: Prevention Resources for Parents

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Parent Newsletter

October 6, 2024

Please go to our website to see our upcoming games and events:

 End of Quarter 1

I can’t believe its already October 6th…the end of our first quarter is this upcoming Thursday!  WOW!  In some ways, the time has FLOWN by.  

A reminder that there is No School for MISD students on these upcoming days/dates:

  • Friday 10/11

  • Monday 10/14

  • Tuesday 10/15

PSAT - Wednesday 10/9

This Wednesday will be a testing day for Sophomores for the PSAT.  Some students in other grade levels signed up to participate.  Here are the plans for each grade level:

  • 9th Grade:  Normal start time.

    • Non-Testing Freshmen students will be in classroom rotations on the non-testing side of the building (gym-side), on the bottom floor.

    • Everyone is assigned a room and will be given a colored wristband to assist in locating ‘where to go.’  Testing freshmen will be assigned to a room on the Testing/Auditorium-side of the building.

  • 10th Grade: Normal start time.

    • All 10th graders will be testing on the Auditorium-side of the building and have been assigned a testing room.

  • 11th Grade: Normal start time.

    • 11th graders who are testing will also be on the testing/Auditorium-side with an assigned testing room.

    • Non-testing 11th graders will be in classroom rotations on the non-testing side (Gym-side) of the building, on the second floor.

  • 12th Grade: Late arrival for Seniors!

    • Please start entering campus at 10:15 via the front entrance.

    • After Seniors have passed through our security detection systems, they will check-in by the Bronco statue, then go to the cafeteria.

    • We are submitting attendance for Seniors at 10:30 AM.

At 10:47, all students will be released and resume their normal schedule from 4th period onward.

 The bell schedule is slightly modified since 4th period normally starts at 10:17.








A (10:47 - 11:17)

11:23 - 12:17

12:23 - 1:17

1:23 - 1:59

2:05 - 2:40

10:53 - 11:17

B (11:17 - 11:47)

11:53 - 12:17

12:23 - 1:17

1:23 - 1:59

2:05 - 2:40

10:53 - 11:47

C (11:47 - 12:17)

12:23 - 1:17

1:23 - 1:59

2:05 - 2:40

10:53 - 11:47

11:53 - 12:17

D (12:17 - 12:47)

12:51 - 1:17

1:23 - 1:59

2:05 - 2:40

10:53 - 11:47

11:53 - 12:47

E (12:47 - 1:17)

1:23 - 1:59

2:05 - 2:40

Please buy Tickets to 'Stud Volleyball' on Wednesday (10/9) Afternoon!

Student Council is also hosting a ‘Stud Volleyball’ game during 6th and 7th period in the Main Gym on the day of PSAT Testing, this Wednesday 10/9.  In order to attend and be excused from 6th and 7th period, students must purchase a ticket (which costs $2).  All proceeds will go towards Winter Formal!

Fall Community Resource Night - Thursday 10/17

MISD Stadium and Community Event Center 6:00 - 8:00 PM

The purpose of the Fall Community Resource Night is to connect community resources with families in need to help improve and sustain the quality of life for students and families of McKinney ISD. 

Agencies will provide: 

  • Free Food & Door Prizes

  • Food Box Giveaways

  • Free Hygiene Products

  • Rent and Utility Assistance

  • Teen Parent Support

  • Early Childhood Resources

  • Domestic Violence Support

  • Grief and Counseling Support

  • After-School Youth Services

  • Mental and Behavioral Health Support

  • English Language Learner Support

  • Affordable Health Insurance Resources

  • Employment Opportunities

MBHS Cheerleaders Cheer Clinic - Saturday 10/19

10/19 9:00AM - 12:00PM @ MBHS Gym

Parent Show-off 11:30AM - 12:00PM

Performance: 11/6 @ JV Football Game

$50 Per Athlete

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