Enrollment & Withdrawal Information

Welcome to Lion Nation!

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Enrollment Center Email

Mrs. Melori Torres, Registrar (A – Mc, ESL Newcomers); Email

Mrs. Christina Dominguez, Registrar (Me – Z); Email

Mrs. Azalea ‘Edie’ Kern, Assistant Registrar (Parchment, Transcripts, Records Requests); Email

Regular School Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 a.m.- 2:40 p.m.
Summer Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.; (CLOSED FRIDAYS)
Main Office Phone: 469-302-5700 or 469-302-5704
Fax: 469-302-5701

Registration / Enrollment

Current Middle school students who are zoned for MHS are automatically enrolled for MHS.

Information about registration for new and returning students, including specific registration dates, can be found on the McKinney ISD Enrollment page.

  1. An active email address is a requirement for the Enrollment Online System. It is also necessary that you be on a workstation with Adobe Reader or have access to a printer to complete the Mandatory Registration Forms that are included in the Enrollment Online System.

  2. Provide additional paperwork and proof of residency to your child’s campus. The requirements are as follows:

    • Proof of Residency: Must be a current utility bill, gas, water or electric, house contract with closing date and/or lease with signatures. If the closing or moving date is after September 15 of the current school year, monthly tuition payments shall be made until the closing date per MISD Board Policy FDA(LOCAL).

    • Complete the Infosnap code entry here

    • Student’s social security card (optional)

  • Student’s birth certificate

  • Updated shot records (Texas Immunization Requirements can be found here)

Middle School and/or Secondary students must have a copy of their transcripts  when registering. We recommend you contact the previous school ahead of time to let them know you’re withdrawing. They should then supply you with a withdrawal form and unofficial transcript. We also recommend printing off immunizations, report cards, transcript before you are locked out of your student’s student portal.  This will expedite the enrollment process.

Are You New to the LION NATION?

Once your application for 2024-2025 is received with all the required documents, we will reach out to you if there is anything missing.  Please note in May and early June, we will be completing tasks for the 2023-2024 school year, so it may not be until mid-June that you will hear from us. You and your student will be scheduled with the appropriate counselor. (We do not have their schedule yet, but we will reach out once we do.)   At that time, you first come into the registrar’s office/main office of the MHS.  We will make your student active.  Student will then meet with his counselor.


If you are moving outside of MISD over the summer, please advise the registrars. You can fill out the attached form AND return it to begin the process. Withdrawals require a valid parent ID. The registrars will be happy to prepare official withdrawal paperwork and other documents you will need for your student next school. Your student(s) laptops, library books, and any other MHS property will need to be returned and fees paid upon receipt of this paperwork.

Please Note

There are 3 high schools in McKinney ISD. Please use the School Site Locator tool to confirm your assigned school.

McKinney High School - 1400 Wilson Creek Parkway

McKinney Boyd High School - 600 N. Lake Forest

McKinney North High School - 2550 Wilmeth Road