Interdisciplinary Study & Mentorship

Interdisciplinary Study and Mentorship (ISM) is a rigorous, challenging course offered at all McKinney ISD high schools. This program is designed for academically gifted and high achieving upperclassmen. ISM students investigate a career topic that is of extreme interest to them through intense study, research, writing, and ultimately a mentorship with a professional.

Course expectations include the development of an extensive research portfolio of journal and trade articles, written analyses of these professional articles, and written assessments of interviews and/or observations of people who work in that career field. Students deliver progressively longer oral presentations and improve their skills in public speaking, research, time management, communication, networking, interviewing, and goal setting. In addition, ISM students polish other interpersonal skills in the areas of professional dress, email and phone etiquette, and engaging in meaningful conversation with professionals.

ISM encompasses the following curriculum: intense research, topic-related product development, original idea generation and product design, public speaking and presentations, resume writing, interviewing skills, business and social etiquette, hands-on experiences in real work environments, participation in district events, and writing formal research assessments.

McKinney High School ISM Teacher
Meg Ross

McKinney Boyd School ISM Teacher
Lisa Noland