
Last year, Bennett Elementary started a new tradition, Benny's Holiday Sing-Along. Instead of a traditional Bennett Live, students and staff gather together to sing holiday songs and compete in Minute-to-Win It games.

This year, Mrs. Arias practiced songs with students in preparation of the event. Staff were selected via randomized pickerwheel. They competed in a pin the nose on a snowman and reindeer games trying to collect as many bows as they could using only their "hooves."

At the end of the event, students enjoyed a recap video remembering all of the amazing events from the first semester. And our staff winner was announced for the ugly sweater contest. Congratulations Mrs. White and Mrs. Petti (the runner up) for rocking such stylish sweaters.

Mrs. Halpin and BennyMrs. White & Mrs. MartinReindeer Games