9/13 Mighty Roar Newsletter

Principal's Message

Happy Friday the 13th! The adults survived. I am so proud of how well our students are doing with their student ID badges. We can use the barcode on the bottom to speed up our cafeteria lines, too. #win

We had our 6th grade Mixer. It is so wonderful to see our 6th graders making new friends.

Dowell Middle School is seeking volunteers to serve on our site-based decision making (SBDM) committee. The SBDM committee is a collaborative team that reviews the campus improvement plan, and the staff development needs to enhance the learning environment of our school. The SBDM committee meets two times per year. The committee is made up of campus staff, two parent volunteers, and community members. If you are interested in serving on our SBDM committee please email me at mmachost@mckinneyisd.net no later than Friday, September 20th. If more than 2 parents volunteer, then members will be selected at random from the list of volunteers.

Please remember that vitamins and supplements are not allowed to be carried by a student on campus. Vitamins and supplements, like any other medicine, are prohibited on campus unless documented through Nurse Emily’s office. According to the MISD Student Code of Conduct, consequences may be issued if a student is found in possession of undocumented medications.

We are seeing a rise in cooties here at DMS. Remind your sweet babies to wash their hands, don’t drink after one another, and use hand sanitizer throughout the day. Our teachers have hand sanitizer available in their classrooms...