Click here to view the Mighty Roar Newsletter for 11/1/2024
Happy November! I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. We had a great time at DMS so be sure to check out social media for pics of our creative students and staff.
Friday marked the end of our first three weeks of Quarter 2. Please be sure to check your child’s HAC account for any missing work, and low grades. Remember, teachers will not be taking late work for the first three weeks once we lock in progress reports. Extenuating circumstances will always be considered. Progress reports should be available in HAC on Monday at 4:00 pm.
Remember that we do not have school on Monday or Tuesday (11/4-11/5). Teachers will be working so if you need to reach out, please don’t hesitate. Be sure to check out our tutoring schedules if your child needs additional support.
Have a wonderful weekend that finally feels like Fall! See everyone back on Wednesday!
Melanie Machost
Dowell Middle School