Click here to read the full Mighty Roar Newsletter for 11/15/2024

Principal's Message

Happy Full Moon Friday! It was another busy week. This week, we need to remind our DMS Lions of expectations. We ask that you continue to have conversations at home about the importance of having positive peer interactions. As a reminder, we do not allow cell phones and earbuds during passing periods or in classrooms. Phones should be stored in backpacks, or in classroom pocket charts. We did not change our bathroom policy. I have asked our teachers to tighten up on classroom management. We had way too many students in our hallways during class. If your child needs to use the restroom, they may do so, we are just reminding students of the appropriate time to take care of their needs. Your help in reminding our students would be appreciated.

We are starting to see pajama pants being worn by lots of students. This is considered out of the dress code. We know students are more successful when they come to school in the right mindset to learn. If you could help us to do outfit checks before your child leaves each morning it would be great.

We will be closing out our next progress report before we leave for Thanksgiving break, so be sure to check HAC for any missing assignments. Wednesday, we did another PAWS Victory assignment check. I am excited to see everyone get to participate again next week.

I am pleased to announce that our son got engaged a few weeks ago. We are so excited for him and his sweet fiancée. Fun times! We are headed to our property in East Texas this weekend for a little quiet time.

Hope you all have a wonderful fall weekend!

Melanie Machost