Red Hawk Reading

Malvern Red Hawks are leaders, and leaders are readers!  There are so many great ways to incorporate reading into our daily lives and routines and parents can help us support our growing readers. 

  • Set a strong bedtime routine that includes reading a book together and independently.

  • Recognize that learning to read is a progression and encourage children along that path!  Students must first learn to hold and care for books, then work on the practical aspects of what directions pages turn and text and graphics move.  Then they move on to the actual act of learning to read aloud and silently.  Picture reading is a valuable skill as is ear reading.  Encourage and applaud all forms of reading!

  • Model reading as adults

  • Make reading fun!  When visiting Meet the Teacher Night, check out our Story Walk with the book “School is More than a Building” by Kelly Donner.

  • Help students find a safe and special place for their library books and encourage them to read these, return them the next week, and keep reading throughout the school year.