Happy Birthday Sonia Rodriguez!
BOO grams will be sold before school Tuesday & Wednesday morning. Student Lighthouse will be selling these in front of the cafeteria between 7:30 and 7:50. Grams are $.50. Grams with a Treat are $1.
It's Red Ribbon Week! "Hats off to being Drug-free!"
October is National Principal Month. Our Red Hawk family couldn't be luckier to have such an amazing principal leading the flock! Ms. Nelson, we are so glad to have you as our amazing principal! Thank you for all you do to make Malvern the BEST it can be!
It's Red Ribbon Week! "Be Kind to Your Mind and Live Drug-Free!"
Our Storybook Pumpkin Patch is growing with some spooky and cute pumpkins, but we still have many empty spots for YOUR creations! The deadline for submissions is October 30th, and voting will take place on the 31st.
Congratulations to all of our Rocky Award winners at today's House Celebration! @MalvernElem4 #malvernwideopen #EveryStudentEveryDay #Redhawkproud
Congratulations to our Habit Hawk award winners at today's House Celebration! @MalvernElem4 #malvernwideopen #EveryStudentEveryDay #Redhawkproud
Let some BOO-dy know you are thinking of them! Student Lighthouse will be selling Boo Grams Friday, Oct 25 - Wednesday, Oct 30. Delivery will be Thursday, Oct 31. Gram - $.50/Gram with Treat - $1
We hope you will join us for the following upcoming celebrations. Links to RSVP follow.
- Monthly House Celebration on Friday, October 25, 2024 https://forms.gle/xoiKdBWt3HTkSdgC6
- Veterans Day Tribute on Friday, November 8, 2024
Our Red Hawks were greeted by some high fives this morning! We love having our volunteers on campus to help start the week off right for our scholars.
Reminder: the October House Reading Challenge is ending this Wednesday, and students need to show their completed pumpkin pages to their teachers for both house points and prizes. Keep up the great reading!
We are so excited to see our first pumpkins roll into the Storybook Pumpkin Patch! This would be a great weekend to create yours if you would like to participate. The deadline for submissions is October 30th as voting will take place on the 31st.
Join us for Pink Out Day on Friday 10/18! Wear pink tomorrow in support of breast cancer awareness.
Happy Birthday Zely Jimenez!
Tomorrow is Fall Picture Retake Day! If you joined the Red Hawk family after September 5, 2024, your picture will be taken as well!
There's still time to support the Malvern Fundraiser! Visit www.shopfund.com today!
Happy Birthday Lita Libby!
We hope all our Red Hawk Family has a wonderful, relaxing Fall Break! We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, October 16, 2024!
We love giving shout outs to our students on morning announcements! When your student earns at least 500 coins, they will get a shout out as well as the LED Pop Tube! All they have to do it register, add a picture, and add at least 10 contacts. It's that easy!