high school students in hallway

2025-26 Returning Student Enrollment

McKinney ISD uses PowerSchool Registration to update information on students returning to our schools each year.

Parents and guardians receive a separate email for each individual student with online registration instructions and a unique snapcode that is needed to begin the online registration process for that student. If you are the parent or guardian of multiple students, you will not receive all of these snapcode emails at the same time.

Invitations to register for the 2025-26 school year will start going out the week of March 3rd to parents and guardians of students who were enrolled in MISD as of February 20th, 2025. Students who enroll after February 20th will receive their invitation to register for the2025-26 school year the week of June 9th, 2025.

At the end of the online process, parents are required to provide an electronic signature. Should parents desire the option to provide a handwritten signature instead, they may contact their student’s campus to do so. Parents must also provide updated immunization records (if necessary) before school begins. View immunization requirements.

If you have a snapcode, please click the button below to begin registration.

Yearly Proof of Residency

In a rapidly growing school district such as McKinney ISD, it is very important that we work to make sure that students are attending school in the appropriate attendance zone, understanding that it can be confusing. In order to accomplish this, we are requiring you provide proof of residence annually to your student’s school upon enrollment.

Acceptable proof of residence is one of the following:

  • A copy of a current or previous month utility bill (electric, gas, water) which shows the current usage on it.

  • A current lease (for 30 days until a utility bill is available). The lease must have the move in date clearly stated.

  • If you are under contract to purchase a home, a copy of the signed dated contract with the closing date is clearly stated. If the closing date is after September 1 of the current school year, monthly tuition payments shall be made until the closing date per MISD Board Policy

  • If you have recently purchased your home, a copy of the closing papers will suffice until a utility bill is available (within 30 days).

  • If you are living with a relative or friend within the MISD attendance boundaries, an affidavit must be completed and notarized at the school as well as submitting a current utility bill.

This is very important, so please make every effort to provide this documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions regarding the PowerSchool Registration process. Other opportunities for support and assistance will be contained within the PowerSchool Registration invitation email.