Dear Parents,
In Kindergarten for the next two weeks, we will center our learning around a study of the primary and secondary colors and the basic shapes. We will be engaged in literature, art experiences, and math connected to these concepts. Each day the children may wear clothing representing the color we will be learning.
Thank you for all of your help and support! This is a fun activity the entire school looks forward to each year!
-The Webb Kindergarten Teachers
Week of August 19-23
Monday, August 19 Wear RED
Tuesday, August 20 Wear WHITE
Wednesday, August 21 Wear YELLOW
Thursday, August 22 Wear GREEN
Friday, August 23 Wear BLUE
Week of August 26-30
Monday, August 26 Wear ORANGE
Tuesday, August 27 Wear BLACK
Wednesday, August 28 Wear PINK
Thursday, August 29 Wear PURPLE
Friday, August 30 FAVORITE Color